He knew I was there
And will be there
Awaiting from aeons
For him with my heart
And love in tact for him
But he dodges
With me………
He pretends not to recognize me
I smile at his antics
He sulks
I laugh away
He tells me
He is in love
With a fairy queen
I admire his love
He dismisses me off
He tells me he is not for me
I say not a word
He scolds me not to wait for him
I stand still
He persuades not ot see him
It increases my perseverance
He laughs wildly at my
Innocent adoration
My lips do not lose the gleam
Of the sweet gloss of love
Do not follow me
His stern orders
I feel sorry
For him
For he is a novice
In love
And is childlike
And does not recognize
The truth of love
I stand at his door
And will stand until
My breathe lasts
For I know
When my sweet little lord
Comes back with
A wounded heart
Its me who got to take care
I pray for all his triumph
But always keep
Myself alert in offerance
All myself
For my innocent sweet lover
Who is running after
Would one day
Find me an oasis
Awaiting in penance
For the thirsty traveller
Who lost himself in
The desert of love…….
If ever you find him
Tell him please
There’s someone
Praying for his success
But also…..
Awaiting his arrival
Either in triumph
Or trifle…
Won’t you.... please?